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UH60A/L/M & CH-47 CAPT-E with Flight Controls & 6′ Radius DirectVue Display System

The Cockpit Academics Procedural Tool- Enhanced Visual Control System (CAPTE-VCS) is a low cost/high fidelity tactical emulation of the UH-60A/L &M and CH-47F helicopter cockpits. The CAPTE-VCS’s immersive cockpit is highly effective and accurate for start up, shutdown and on-ground and in-flight emergency procedures. The CAPTE-VCS is designed to support numerous page and pilot vehicle interface tasks during qualification, refresher and sustainment training.

The CAPTE- VCS is an upgraded version of our proven CAPT-E trainer that includes an enhanced multi-channel visual system and IG and fully functional flight control system for pilot and co-pilot stations. Each flight control seat station is electronically linked and includes high force motors for active cyclic, collective and foot pedal controls.

The CAPTE- VCS A/L Weapons configuration will be hosted at the SGB Enterprises IITSEC booth #3158. Please contact Joe Padula for further information.